Tujenge Pamoja!


Jaza Chapel is an Awareness Campaign that seeks to bring together the Alliance High School alumni and friends through impactful initiatives, productions, and digital campaigns. Our goal is to rally everyone to come onboard to build and launch the Trinity Multipurpose Complex by March 1st, 2026, during the Alliance High School centennial celebrations.

To God Be All The Glory!!
in the news

Jaza Chapel: 5 Loaves, 2 Fish | First Trailer

WATCH BELOW and experience the miracle of Faith – premiering on March 1st, 2025. Witness our collective journey towards building a legacy of unity and hope - The Trinity Chapel!

Does Your Brand want to Get Involved?


Help in creating awareness, organizing, fundraising, or technical work

Spread the Word

Share our initiative with friends and your networks

Offer Expertise

If you have skills and resources in development, mobilisation, or construction, we need you!

Ready to Donate or Pledge?

Contact Alliance High school OBC: secretariat@ahsobc.org

Trinity Chapel Giving Platforms

DONATE or PLEDGE today towards the TRINITY CHAPEL Project using any of the two key platforms below:

AHS Old Boys Club (OBC)

The online presence of the AHS Old Boys Community.

The Alliance High School

The school on which the Trinity Multipurpose Hall stands


Accompanying music and soundtracks from the JAZA CHAPEL SHOW that premieres on March 1st 2025!


Memorable Quotes

“In the spirit and motto of Strong To Serve,
We thank you and we look forward to seeing you as we continue with this process, kindly come on board.“
Mr Kamau Chomba,
Chief Principal, AHS
“We need that push and drive to finish strong.
And we want you to be part of this, we want you to be involved in this as an old boy and even as a friend of the school.”
Mr Francis Muema,
AHS Old Boy, Class of 1995
“All The Glory and Honour goes back to God.
And it is my prayer that when all is said and done, this (Trinity Chapel) will be a House of Prayer for all.''
Rev. Stephen Kioko,
Chaplain, Alliance High School

Calling on all Old Boys....and Girls

Strong To Serve!

Together, we are building something greater than ourselves. Be part of this movement. JAZA CHAPEL – A legacy for generations!

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